
Have a look at what some of our lucky winners said about us.

"My Facebook account got selected by Poker Forte and I claimed my winnings.. All my winnings are delivered to me, thanks to the entire team at Poker Forte. You guys are awesome"

Sandra Brown

$100,000,000 USD winner

"PokerForte lottery are so generous. I was initially in doubts when I got informed. I was selected and got my winnings claimed and delivered to me by the UPS. Thank you PokerForte"

Donna SMith

$150,000 USD winner 

"Such a rare thing happening to me that I was selected to receive such a blessing. Thank you PokerForte. I appreciate you guys for what you are doing."

Dianne Fountain Welsh

$750,000 USD winner

"I didn't expect much to happen to me so late this year, but somehow these guys turned things for me. It's random but I really appreciate it. Thank you Poker Federal.."

Bunny Newcomb

$150,000 USD winner

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Dawson Electric
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